Saturday, May 8, 2010

Where to start? The Diet Disaster!

The South Beach Diet , The Atkins Diet, The Lemonade Diet, The Blood Type Diet, The Flat Belly Diet, The Glycemic index Diet... , blah, blah, blah... The plethora of "diets" that have come, gone, and have still yet to make their way into our weight-loss obsessed society is enough to make your head spin, leave you ravenous, terribly exhausted and if nothing else, with so many dietary contradictions, downright confused!!

We are bombarded daily with information on what this actress eats and what that actress eats, and what new diet has helped this starlet lose 20 pounds in two weeks, and how another gained 20 pounds in two weeks. Caffeine is good, caffeine is bad, wine is cancer fighting, yet alcohol is said to cause a whole other plethora of dieases, and all of it just gets a bit much, too much information and we are left with nothing to eat, no where to turn and we just say to hell with it and stuff ourselves with a bag of chips and a chocolate cake!!

Food is not supposed to be confusing! Food is suppose to nourish us, fuel our bodies, keep them healthy and strong and allow us to live a clean enjoyable wholesome life. The word "Diet" alone has been so misconstrued and tossed at the end of every new weight loss title, that it undeservedly has a negative stigma attached to it and the minute we hear it we imagine a life of misery living on bland tasteless foods, counting calories, and for most of us, most of the time, the after effects like depression and more weight gain when we "fall off" the diet wagon.

But diet is not a scary word and it shouldn't make you shiver in your sugar-loving heels!! Diet by its best definition means "habitual nourishment" which is simply, what we ingest on a daily basis in order to NOURISH or bodies. And nourishing something just means to promote growth of something! So you see the word diet is just a harmelss four letter little word.

(I definitely failed to find a definition in the legit dictionaries that said diet was an intermittent, torturous, boring few days or months in our lives every year when we deny ourselves cetain foods, eat lots of another and jump on and off a weighing scale like hungry rabbits in hopes of shedding a few pounds of fat to look more like Jennifer Aniston or Halle Berry.)

That is not what a healthy diet is about!!! That is not what this blog is about!! I want to show you how you can live a delicious, nutritious, balanced life that includes healthy versions all of the things we love to eat and drink so you never have to feel a slave to the "diet" monster lurking on all our magazines and on our televisions ever again!! This is about embracing the delicous foods nature has provided us with so we can eat heartily and still look like a superstar while doing it!! And believe me girls, it is possible!!!  So throw away that measley celery stick (unless of course you're enjoying it) and those ridiculous bottles of weight loss pills because I promise you're not going to need them to look great! This is not a diet blog, this is a balanced, body beautiful blog designed to bring about the happiest, healthiest you!! So let's get started!!

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