Monday, May 31, 2010

Superfoods : Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar

Variety is the spice life they say and I believe the same can be said of food. In today’s society with our short attention spans, we constantly want to try new foods, taste new things, eat a different meal practically every day to prevent boring our palates. We are not like our ancestors who pretty much would eat the same few staple things day in, day out. We are lucky in that we do have the opportunities to taste so many different cuisines and challenge our taste buds so much more than the generations past. But having said that, I also do believe that they are a few staple things people should have in their kitchen that will not only promote good health but also will serve to help achieve and maintain the body you always dreamed of. Here are a two products I make sure are in my daily diet that have benefited me so much that I can’t believe their benefits are not more widely lauded;

1) Coconut Oil
This is one of, if not my absolute favorite thing in the whole world. The oil from the tropical coconut is so remarkable when it comes to healing properties and its promotion of general great health and beauty, that I think it’s sinful that it is not in every kitchen cupboard across the world. It’s probably due to the aversion everyone has to saturated fats and the fear that has been instilled in our society that all fats are bad and will lead to heart disease. This is no the case. In many countries like Thailand and the Phillipines where coconut oil is used in large amounts in their daily diet, they have extremely low rates of heart disease. Coconut oil has gotten a bad rap over the years but the truth is, it’s nothing short of a miracle oil. And here’s why;

• Coconut oil is one of the only sources of Lauric acid, other than mothers breast milk and has potent anti-microbial and anti-viral properties. It has been successfully used in the healing of diseases like Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure , Hypothyroid, Diabetes, HIV and Cancer.
• It contributes to weight loss because it promotes proper functioning of the thyroid which keeps the metabolism working at optimum levels and also gives a feeling of satiety which prevents overeating.
• It strengthens the immune system due to its anti-viral, anti-microbial properties.
• It is very effective against a variety of infections by killing viruses that cause influenza, measles, herpes, SARS , pneumonia, UTI’s and even candidiasis.
• It can be used topically in beauty treatments as a hair conditioner ( once a week makes hair grow longer, healthier and shinier) ,and as a body moisturizer ( leaves skin super soft and is not greasy) and also as treatment for cuts and burns.

These are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the health and beauty benefits of coconut oil. It can be added to your diet as a supplement, or you can cook with it (it has a very high smoking point as it is a very stable oil), or you can begin using it as a beauty product. I recommend buying virgin or extra virgin coconut oil, (only $8 - $10 bucks at your nearest health store), start by adding even 1tbsp a day and I promise you’ll be adding one of nature’s most amazing foods to your daily diet and it won’t be long before you start to see it’s benefits.

2) Apple Cider Vinegar
Again, another incredible gift of mother nature, that when consumed on a regular basis has amazing health and beauty properties. I’m referring to the raw apple cider vinegar that has not been processed and still contains a cloudy substance formed from the apple residue called the “mother”. It is available at all good health food stores. Like my beloved coconut oil it too helps prevent and treat bacterial and fungal infections and it was even Hippocrates, the father of all modern medicines, go-to tonic for many ailments. And here’s why;

• ACV (apple cider vinegar) retains all the nutritional goodness from the apples from which it was made, plus it is fortified with extra enzymes and acids as a result of fermentation. It is this powerful tonic that then has the ability to aid in the healing of everything from the common cold, coughs, dandruff and bites and burns, to more serious illnesses like Diabetes, high levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) and Cancer.
• ACV is an amazing weight loss tonic. I can vouch for this! I started taking ACV daily about 7 months ago and I suddenly noticed the last few pounds that had always been stuck on me dropped off. I had not known at that time that ACV had any connection to weight loss but I knew I hadn’t changed anything else about my diet or level of activity. Sure enough with a bit of research I found that ACV is known for its weight loss effects. The reasons for this are not yet totally clear but hey, if it works it works and It works!
• ACV also helps in the beauty department by flushing toxins from your body and giving you healthy glowing skin, hair and nails. It can also cure age spots, and eczema.

ACV is only $7 for a large bottle at your local health store. I buy the “Braggs” brand, and it lasts me quite a while. I take a tbsp in a little water every morning and evening and if you can’t ingest the tart taste of the vinegar, you can sweeten the tonic with a little natural sweetener like honey or Stevia.

So there you have my two of my favorite superfoods. I really can’t stress enough how beneficial they have been to me and will be to you too if you go ahead and add them to your diet. There are many recipes out there that can help you incorporate these foods too if you don't fancy taking them on their own. And don’t just take my word for it, google it, research a bit and I know you’ll be amazed to discover the extensive uses and benefits of both Coconut oil and ACV, which is probably why they have been around and used daily by people for centuries!

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