Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Getting into Fitness

Did you know a lean healthy body is shaped 10% by Genetics, 10% by exercise and 80% by nutrition? Yes, 80% of effort on your part, to achieve a lean, beautiful physique should come from what you choose to put in your mouth. Many people are under the misconception that a beautiful body is achieved in the gym, or sweating it out during hours of torturous exercise, when in fact, exercise only counts for a mere 10% of your well being.

Now does that mean you can neglect the exercise 10% and focus only on putting the right foods in your body?

Although proper diet alone can alter your state of health and your physical body shape drastically, adding in that exercise routine is only going to enhance everything you're already doing and take your body beautiful journey to new heights. But the good news is, as long as you’ve started eating cleaner more nutritious foods, all you need is moderate exercise and strength training to see results. No more body boot camps, or next day immobilization for people on the ELAA plan, (unless of course you’re a sadist or something and derive pleasure from pain, in which case go right ahead)!

The problem with most people is the initial phase of getting into a fitness routine can be daunting and difficult and they’re never quite sure where to start. But the key is to start small and build from there. Unless you’re still in school and have regular periods of physical activity through sport and recreation, chances are you’ve long since left your gym shoes behind and have taken to the more sedentary lifestyle that can be synonymous with adult life! Well as you no longer have a gym teacher yelling at you to get up off your lazy tush and do five laps of the field; motivation is going to have to come from you and you alone.

What’s my motivation? I’ve long dreamed about having a super fit body like that of a Baywatch babe. I remember watching that show when I was little and envying their bodies so much and how even when they ran, there were no jiggles!! Then of course along came the Britney “Slave for you” body, which started me on a crunching craze. Whenever I saw a picture of her amazing abs, I was to be found in my bedroom doing impromptu workouts. But it usually only lasted for a few days, until I saw another image of a beautiful body I envied.

But you don’t have to want a perfect body, or six pack abs, or a Sofia Vergara booty in order to find motivation to workout. Everyone is different and their motivations, personal. Perhaps you just want to be fitter, able to run more than a few minutes without collapsing, or you want to just tone up around the edges and have a flatter tummy, whatever it is, no matter how big or small, it is totally achievable.

And the key is just to start today. Whether you just begin a daily walk, or you go out and purchase a gym membership, or you invest in a home workout kit, the point is to start. And don’t pressure yourself, take it easy. It’s a building process. It takes 21 days for something to become a habit, so allow those three weeks to get into a routine. Start with some cardio, an easy walk, a light jog, a morning run, depending where your fitness is at, and go from there. Later on down the line you can start adding some strength training if you like, but the point is for it to be enjoyable and stress free.

I’m sure by now you’ve heard exercise raises serotonin levels in the body which is why you always feel better after exercise and it’s true, you do! I don’t know anyone who has ever come out of an exercise session saying “man I really regret that workout I just did “. Because though you may not always go in to every workout with a hop, a skip and a jump, sometimes you may have to drag your butt to get going, but the good news is, you will always, always feel better coming out of it, and proud of yourself too!

So go ahead and add some exercise to your life. You already know it’s good for your heart, your overall health and well being, but honestly the real bonus is when you no longer cringe every time you strip down in front of a mirror, because seeing your beautiful, well toned, healthy body reflected back at you is the greatest reward one could ask for!

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