Monday, May 10, 2010

Back To Basics ... WATER

If I told you I knew of a beverage that could help in the curing of diseases like heart disease, cancer, multiple sclerosis, hypertension, depression, a beverage that would prevent hangovers, prevent and diminish cellulite, help you lose weight and flush toxins and waste from your body to help keep it squeaky clean, would you want to know what it was and would you drink it? I can’t imagine anyone who would deny they would.
But guess what?? Such a beverage exists! And the good news is, it’s the easiest beverage of all to come by.

The beverage? Pure crystal clear life sustaining water!

Yes water people!! Think I’m crazy in touting the amazing health benefits of water?? Think again!
Time and time again its been proven that water can cure numerous amounts of ailments and illnesses. In fact, Dr. F. Batmanghelidj MD, a pioneering physician and acclaimed author with more than twenty years of clinical and scientific research into the role of health benefit of water for the body believes most of so-called incurable diseases are nothing but labels given to various stages of drought.

If you ask yourself how much water you consume a day, (and I mean pure water, not in the form of caffeinated beverages or juices) how much could you honestly say? A glass or two? Perhaps, none at all. Even I have to constantly remind myself to make sure to get enough water throughout the day. The general rule is 8 by 8 .. meaning Eight 8ounce glasses a day in order to replace fluids lost throughout the day through body excrements like urination, perspiration, bowel movement and even your breath! Of course if you’re physically active (which everyone should be) or if you live in a hotter climate, or you drink a lot of caffeinated beverages, you’re likely to get dehydrated faster and so you are going to need more than just the minimal eight glasses!! And then it is also very important the water you’re drinking is clean good quality water!

So there’s a few factors to consider when you start being mindful of your daily water consumption and something as pure and simple and life-giving as drinking water shouldn’t be confusing so I’m going to give you a few tips to follow that will help you on your way to being a healthier more vibrant water consumer;

Purchase a Brita or PUR Water filter (I find them to be the best brands) which shouldn’t cost more than $20 at your local supermarket or drugstore. This really is not expensive for good quality drinking water and is often better for you than expensive bottled water (not to mention better for our environment when you stop using all that plastic!!) Just make sure to change your filter every 3 months to keep your water clean!

**NOTE**: Tap water is really not a safe source of drinking water as it contains so many chemicals (over 2,100 than can lead to cancer) and studies have found Lead and other synthetic chemicals that can cause damage to your liver and body. My advice is to steer clear of tap water and only use purified water for drinking and cooking!!

• I usually drink a large glass of water first thing in the morning when I wake up as it eventually becomes a habit and is the easiest time to remember to get a good portion of my required water in. So make a point to have the first thing you do when you wake up, to drink a tall glass of water (it also will make you feel fuller faster when you eat breakfast which can help with weight loss efforts!!).

• I also purchased a stainless steel water bottle (no more than $5 from your local supermarket or drugstore) and that way I can carry my purified clean water around with me if I leave the house for work and errands. So I suggest investing in one of these as in the long run its much cheaper than buying a $2 bottle of Evian or $4 bottle of Fiji water every time you need to hydrate which can add up believe me!! I’m all about the budget and saving wherever possible as these little savings do add up to enough change to buy a new pair of shoes or a cute new outfit at the end of the month so it’s definitely worth it!!

• I sip on water from this bottle throughout the day or if i'm at work where they have filtered water on hand all the time ill make sure to drink a few glasses when the thought pops into my head! (and the more you drink the more your body will make sure the reminder to drink water pops into your head!!) I also end the day drinking a large glass again before dinner. That way I know I’ve gotten sufficient water intake throughout the day.


Well a lot of people don’t like how water tastes so they don’t drink it or they consume large amounts of vitamin water and flavored waters thinking that is just as good. Sorry to burst your sugary bubbles but it's not!! Those are just large bottles of pure sugar which is going to send you’re blood sugar through the roof and contribute to weight gain among other insulin spiking metabolic disasters!!

So what are you to do??

Well there are healthy ways to make water taste yummy and palatable for even the biggest water haters.

• My favorite way is to squeeze in lemons or limes (fresh lemon/lime juice , not concentrate) and add a packet of Stevia Extract to it to sweeten it. ( I swear this tastes just like lemonade!!)
Pour it into a glass over ice on a hot day and its refreshing, delish and healthy!!
**with the lime juice you can add some mint leaves for an alcohol free mojito!!

• Add a splash of your favorite juice , orange, cranberry whatever (and I mean a splash people as juices are straight sugar too! Unsweetened juices are even better!!) to the water and flavor it that way. It really makes a difference!!

Crush a few berries into your water for anti-oxidant enriched drinking water or even add a few slices of cucumbers for a refreshing taste!!

Another great way to get that daily water intake up in a delicious way is caffeine-free herbal tea. (I say caffeine-free because caffeine is a diuretic which makes you urinate and hence nulls and voids the hydrating effects of the water.) Caffeine-free herbal teas can come in all kinds of delicious flavors like chamomile, chocolate peppermint and honey blossom and a lot of them have additional health benefits!! Have a hot tea on a chilly rainy night or serve it cold over ice on a summers day!! Either way herbal teas are one of my favorite things and there's so much variety its impossible to get bored!

So you see water doesn’t have to be boring! You should be excited every time you take a sip or opt for a glass of water over a soda or juice because I guarantee you are one step closer to a beautiful healthy beaming body, glowing skin and happier more energetic you!!

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