Friday, October 1, 2010

Black Versus Green : Battle of the Teas

Strange how a teapot can represent at the same time the comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company.  ~Author Unknown

Recently I’ve taken a trip back to my home country of Ireland for music related reasons and along with all the other delicious staples of the Irish diet that I have been indulging in, I have returned to the daily consumption of a good old cup of tea.

Tea is to Ireland what coffee is to America. The comforting daily liquid that fuels our day! There’s nothing like a hot cup of tea, or two, or four, on a cool windy Irish evening and you won’t enter any Irish persons house without at least one offer of a cup.

So what exactly are the benefits of a daily cup of black tea and how does it compare to its long health touted cousin green tea?

Well Green tea has long been hailed as the “better” tea to consume when it comes to a healthy lifestyle due to a powerful antioxidant it contains called EGCg. This polyphenol is noted for its beneficial effects in dealing with many diseases such as atherosclerosis, many types of cancer, diabetes and liver disease.

But when it comes to black tea this compound is lost, through oxidation of the leaves. However Black tea has powerful free radical fighters of it’s own called thearubigens and theaflavins. These compounds as well as fighting much of the same diseases as green tea also tame inflammation and are effective at fighting various viruses.

Both green and black tea promote weight loss by increasing metabolism and reducing stress.

Black tea also contains a high magnesium content which helps in the formation of bones and teeth and may help reduce the severity of asthma attacks.

It is also a good source of Thiamine which is necessary for the body to utilize carbohydrates as an energy source. It also helps with blood circulation and the production of hydrochloric acid which is vital for the digestive process.

So take heed my dear fellow tea drinkers, the consumption of our daily brew is actually good for us whether your preference be green or black. Just make sure your not dousing them with sugar or artificial sweeteners. If you need to sweeten your tea opt for a little honey, or stevia. Remember tea also has weight loss properties so there’s no need to ruin that with any unwanted calories from sugars.

So now, I’m off to put the kettle on. It’s evening here on Irish shores and that means only one thing in this country. Tea time!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mangoes; The fruit of Love and Life

They live; they know; they feel; they see.
Their spirits light the golden shade
Beneath the giant mango-tree. - Charles Kingsley

My official favorite fruit is undoubtedly the exotic delicious and fantastically juicy mango. Hailing from the foothills of the Himalayas of India where it has been around for over 4,000 years, it is considered the symbol of love and life. Heck, even the Buddha himself found solitude in a mango grove.

But apart from just being absolutely scrumptious with its creamy, smooth, silky texture and ambrosial flavor, what are the mangos health benefits that are so great as to deem it "The Symbol of Love and Life" in such a spiritually forward world as India? Let's take a look shall we?

Firstly the Mango's a vitamin powerhouse and a small mango contains ;

  • one quarter of your daily requirement of Vitamin C
  • nearly two thirds of your daily quota of Vitamin A
  • great source of Iron
  • Good amounts of vitamin E and Fibre
  • a rich source of potassium
  • good amounts of Vitamin K, phosphorous and Magnesium

Secondly the Mango is a powerful anti-oxidant food and one of the one of the best sources of betacarotene, quercetin and astragalin. These are powerful antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. Free radicals can damage cells and lead to heart disease, cancer, premature aging and degenerative diseases.

Thirdly studies have shown that Mangos may lower cancer risk due to a dietary soluble fibre called pectin which is found in the fruit. Scientists have found that pectin binds and inhibits a protein called Galectin 3 which plays a role in all stages of cancer progression. Due to its being a valuable source of fibre it's also believed to prevent against cancers of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fourthly, In chinese medicine mangos have long been use as a yin tonic due to their sweet and sour taste and cooling energy. They have been used to treat anaemia, bleeding gums, cough, fever, nausea and to aid weak digestion.

To finish up Mangoes are also rated as medium on the Glycemic index which means when it comes to spiking insulin, Mangoes will only raise it moderately, making them a healthy addition to a body beautiful diet. They are such a versatile fruit their exotic flavor and fleshy texture makes a delightful addition to many sweet as well as savory dishes. For a hot summers day here is a recipe for a carribean shrimp and mango salad that is so delicious you'll wonder how it could possibly be healthy (but i assure you, it is) ;



  1 pound medium shrimp, cleaned
and deveined
  Salt and pepper to taste
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 15-ounce can black beans,
rinsed and drained
1/4 red bell pepper, cut into
1/4 red onion, halved and then
thinly sliced
1 ripe mango, peeled and cubed
1/2 cup citrus-flavored vinaigrette
1/8 teaspoon ground allspice
  Dash cayenne
6 cups mixed greens


  • Pat shrimp dry with paper towels. 
  • Cook and stir shrimp with garlic in oil in skillet over medium-high heat until done, about 5 minutes. 
  • Remove from skillet and place in large bowl. 
  • Add remaining ingredients except mixed greens, and toss to combine ingredients. 
  • Just before serving, gently toss with the mixed greens. Serve immediately.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Snack Time

I love to snack. i really cant go through the day without snacking at least once between my main meals, and i'm not alone o this trend. It safe to say snacking is an integral part of most peoples diet. I find the need to snack on something, stems more from boredom than from hunger. Something to do when life is slipping into monotony. Now that's not to say snacking is bad for you, on the contrary i think when the right foods are chosen, it is a great way to sustain your energy throughout the day and keep your metabolism fired up and revving along. When snacking is detrimental to your diet is when a coffee and doughnut, or a bag of chips, or candy is the go to snack of choice. Then we have problems!! You'll be on that insulin roller-coaster again of energy highs and slumps that you just cant seem to get off.

So what does make for some yummy acceptable snacks you ask, that are not going to add unwanted lumps and bumps to your butt and thighs?

Well here are just a few of my personal favorites and just remember i still recommend always teaming a protein with a carb even when it comes to snacks;

  • Apples and peanut butter
  • Raw Almonds and a slice of cheese 
  • Pineapple and Cheese cubes
  • Greek Yogurt mixed with nuts and berries
  • Banana and peanut butter smoothie (any fruit smoothie really , homemade of course from natural ingredients)
  • Hummus and Vegetable crudites
  • Frozen grapes and cheese
  • Smoked salmon and cream cheese
  • Boiled eggs seasoned with some Mrs. Dash on rice cakes
  • Guacamole and flax crackers
  • Small sprouted grain tortilla grilled cheese

These are just examples of some healthy options to chow down on when boredom or just as sustainment until your next meal!! There are some many more options out there that are far healthier than a 100 calorie bag of chips ahoy or  sugar laden granola bars and all that other garbage that pretends to be healthy snacks food. So always have some healthy yummy foods on hand and then snack your way to body beautiful :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Getting into Fitness ; Running

When I was in my teenage years where I no longer engaged in sports like Gaelic football and basketball and Relay races, and my fitness level dropped considerably. Sure I still worked out from time to time with weights but my cardiovascular activity was close to non-existent. So when a mere jog down the street would have me huffing and puffing and gasping for air I was convinced I was just not born to be a runner, and all those people who entered marathons or ran miles everyday just must have had a different lung capacity than I did. I would never be a runner.

Then something happened. Unbeknownst to myself, a few months ago, I started using the elliptical machine in my gym. I started a morning routine at a moderate pace and resistance for twenty minutes and as the days passed I would gradually up the resistance and pick up my pace and I noticed I was beginning to finish the twenty minute workout with a lot more ease then I began! Then one morning I came into the gym and all my lovely elliptical machines were in use and all that was available was a damn treadmill. I wanted to make sure I would sweat like I did on the elliptical so I got on and decided I’d give running a try and just see how long I could stay on. (Now bear in mind, the last time I had tried running on a treadmill, I could only stay going for two minutes before I would decrease to a walking speed again.) So I began at a speed of about 5.5 and off I went. The first five minutes past… phew that was easy.. the next five minutes passed.. I had done ten minutes without stopping once? I even still had my breath. I kept going to fifteen minutes..okay.. I think I could do the twenty. I kept running for another five minutes and when I saw the little timer read 20:00.. I was elated. I had ran non-stop for twenty minutes. This was quite a breakthrough for me! Maybe I could be a runner? Maybe I was not short-changed when God was handing out hearts and lungs. Fitness was achievable.

Since then I have taken my running excursions outdoors, (which Is a completely different experience to a treadmill) and I now can run just under three miles. And this is all in the space of a few months!! I went from finding it difficult to run one whole minute, to being able to run a few miles. It’s a great feeling! And I realize the key is to start slow. I didn’t know at the time but my elliptical sessions were helping me build my fitness level in a gradual way. Who knows I may one day even enter a marathon!

If you are interested in adding running into your life as a way to get fit here are a few key things to remember;

1) Start slow. You can’t expect yourself to be able to run long distances for long amount of times in the beginning. One minute running, one minute walking alternations are the best way to start. Or like I did, you can begin on something a little easier like an elliptical machine to get your heart pumping and used to cardiovascular exercise.

2) Buy proper running shoes. I’m serious about this one. The first time I ran outside in New Orleans, I was wearing aerobic shoes and my knees ached for days after. I purchased a pair of nike runners that are super comfortably and they really make all the difference when it comes to running.

3) Buy a pedometer or something to track your progress. Try and beat you last record everyday by just a little. It will keep you motivated.

4) Stretch your muscles before you run to prevent any injuries.

5) Make sure to drink at least 20 oz of water about twenty minutes before your run so you won’t become dehydrated, especially in summer.

6) Have your breakfast (or whatever meal pertaining to the time of day) 45 minutes to 1 hour before your run. Pick Low GI carbs like oatmeal, sprouted grains, vegetables, fruits like apples and berries and a protein ( eg. oatmeal and berries, Greek yoghurt with berries, scrambled eggs in a sprouted grain tortilla, apples and peanut butter etc.) as it will help sustain you through your run. Some people think running on an empty stomach will help them lose weight but I have found any workout on an empty stomach will have me exhausted half way through and won’t make for an effective workout.

7) Replenish your body after the run. Drink more water and eat something like a shake that will digest easy and replenish your muscles glycogen stores. I usually have a banana and peanut butter smoothie or some other kind of fruit smoothie. But it is so important that you remember to eat or drink something after your workout every time. It makes or breaks your workout.

8) Enter a marathon. For some people entering marathons is a good way to get them motivated. When you have a goal you have something to work towards and you will feel so accomplished when you have completed it.

These are just some steps to get you started on your running regime. There are many places on the internet that will give you a running schedule for beginners so you can build your fitness level at a gradual comfortable pace. So what are you waiting for, get out there and start running your way to body beautiful!

I just want to mention my friend Rachel who has entered a half marathon benefiting Leukemia research which will take place Oct. 2nd In Florida. She is running on behalf of her brother Daniel who died last year of Leukemia. You can read her blog here at It is a great cause and I just want to say Good Luck Rachel

Monday, June 28, 2010

Coffee : To Drink Or Not To Drink?

While the jury still remains out on this one, with contradictions about coffees pros and cons at every turn, I, being a fan of an occasional cup myself, will say that in this case you would do best to remember the phrase “everything in moderation”. As remember, it contains caffeine, a naturally occurring stimulant found in the leaves, seeds and fruits of dozens of plants worldwide and it is a psychoactive drug!

I wouldn’t recommend drinking coffee everyday, especially if it is something you rely on solely to wake you up in the morning. Those that say they can’t function without their morning cup of joe need to take themselves aside for a little chat as there is nothing we shouldn’t have the ability to function without than water and a balanced diet. I don’t ever remember caffeine being included in the food pyramid, do you?

Let’s take a quick look at the supposed benefits and detriments of our beloved coffee:

• Coffee is rich in antioxidants which can help prevent aging and cell damage from free radicals.
• Drinking coffee may reduce the risk of
- Parkinson’s disease
- Cirrhosis of the liver
- Gallstones
- Kidney Stones
- Type 2 diabetes
- Memory loss due to aging and Alzheimer’s Disease
• It improves mental alertness
• It speeds up muscle recovery from fatigue and can also help in weight loss when taken before a workout.
• It smells and tastes delicious :)

• It may elevate cholesterol levels
• It has a negative effect on blood vessel tone and function
• May raise blood pressure making it a potential health hazard to those with hypertension
• Too much coffee can inhibit the absorption of calcium which can lead to osteoporosis
• Dehydrates the body as it acts as a mild diuretic
• Makes it difficult for those with Type 2 Diabetes to control blood sugar levels
• It blocks the hypnotic effect of the hormone adenosine which is designed to promote a restful deep sleep.
• Its effect of spiking the hormone cortisol may in fact have a negative impact on weight as over consumption of caffeine will exhaust the adrenal glands which can lead to thyroid problems and weight gain.

So what is the happy medium? I would say don’t banish coffee from your life altogether if it’s something you enjoy (unless of course you feel you would be better without it completely), but rather drink in moderation. I can’t see the harm in drinking two or three cups of coffee a week.
  I recently found myself increasing my consumption of coffee as I spend alot of time at bookstores and cafes but i have broguht myself back in check and I have found alternatives like Starbuck's Passion Iced tea unsweetened, (that I then sweeten myself with Stevia..delish!) or if you're not lactose intolerant, hot milk with vanilla can be made at any good coffee shop! Totally delish too! Again, I would just try to not make coffee a daily habit as there are so mnay more options out there, and of course as with everything, I do recommend you choose organic coffee, as the plant from which it’s made is one of the most heavily sprayed with pesticides. So all in all I think coffee is something you can keep a part of a balanced diet. Go ahead and enjoy those weekend coffee shop jaunts with your friends, or treat yourself to a frothy cappucino as you share a dessert with a cute boy!! After all, life is there to be enjoyed! That’s more important than anything!

Coffee = ELAA approved (in moderation ;) ).

Friday, June 25, 2010

Sprouted Grains : The Benefits

Ezekiel 4:9-17: “Take thou also unto thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and fitches, and put them in one vessel, and make thee bread thereof.

The above being a direct quote from the Bible and one of the first recipes of sprouted bread. If it’s good enough for God, hell it’s good enough for me! Sprouted grain breads and other products are only recently starting to make an appearance on our supermarket shelves despite their existence for generations. Sprouting grains is the simple process of soaking grains and allowing them to germinate, which not only neutralizes phytic acid (the annoying enzyme blocker which binds minerals, making it hard for us to absorb them), but it also increases vitamin content and digestibility. Our ancestors for centuries before us all practiced the art of soaking and sprouting their grains before making them into breads and other bread products.

Here are just a few benefits of sprouted grain products;

• Sprouted Grains contain almost all 9 essential amino acids, making them a great source of protein, especially for Vegetarians and Vegans.
• Sprouted Grains are a great source of Vitamins A, B and C.
• Grains double in bulk when sprouted making the food stretch further, which is great for those on a budget.
• Sprouted grains neutralize phytic acid which binds minerals and makes it hard for our bodies to absorb the nutrients.
• Grains are pre-digested during the soaking process, making it easier for us to digest.
• Sprouted grains have a lower Glycemic index rating than other breads, making them a good choice for people who which to keep blood sugar stable.

These are just a few examples of the benefits of sprouted grain products over traditional whole wheat and white refined breads and bread products. Ezekiel is a great brand that makes delicious sprouted grain breads, muffins and tortillas and can be purchased at most health food stores. Manna is also another bread product( just like what God sent to his people in the Bible when they were starving in the desert), though it’s taste may not appeal to everyone.

If you have the time and would like to go about sprouting your grains at home by all means go ahead. It takes little effort and is relatively easy.

1. Soak your choice of grains/legumes/seeds overnight in a bowl of water making sure the water level is quite a bit above the grains or whatever you’re sprouting, as they will absorb the water quite a bit. Usually twice as much water as chosen item to be sprouted is ideal.
2. In the morning pour everything into a kitchen strainer and rinse them with clean water really well. Sometimes the grains may have a sticky mucus type of coating that you will want to make sure is completely gone as it could inhibit the sprouting process.
3. Place the strainer over a large bowl (to catch the drips) and cover with a dry clean kitchen towel and set it off to the side somewhere on the kitchen counter.
4. Keep on eye on your sprouting foods over the course of time you have allotted to it ( usually 8-12 hours or up to 3-4 days) and make sure they are never dry. You want to keep them constantly moist. If they are any bit dry give them another quick rinse.
5. Your sprouts will be ready when you notice they have little tails a few millimeters long.

You can then use theses sprouts in various ways. Grains can be blended into a batter or dough for making bread. Chickpeas can be used to make raw hummus or if you own a dehydrator you could make falafels!! Yum! Sprouted seeds can be used wherever you like , on salads, in shakes on top of oatmeal!! The choice is yours!!

So go ahead and add some sprouted foods to your life and let your body reap the benefits! :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Keeping up with the Carbs: From Low to Slow

When I embarked on this new healthy eating regime a few months ago I cut out all refined products from my life mostly in the forms of white flour and sugar. I also cut out breads of all kinds and everything that can be classified as a carb apart from green leafy vegetables. This is pretty much the basis of The Atkins diet, with a few differences. I for one, was a lot more conscious of the sources of my meat and dairy, only buying and consuming organic products, and I also don’t advocate the use of artificial sweeteners to satiate the sweet tooth. But, although I saw great results from eating this way, externally and internally, something about shunning fruit and grains for the rest of my life sounded well, boring. Plus, how could something like fruit, so natural and delicious and straight from mother earth be bad for you?

So I did a little research and found that the idea was not to live la vida low carb, but rather live la vida slow carb. What do I mean by slow carb? Well, slow carbs are classified as any carbohydrates that have little to no effect on blood sugar levels when consumed. This is the basis of the Glycemic Index Diet, (a measure of how fast carbs turn into glucose on the blood) which is currently at the forefront of the diet crazed world. Many nutritionists are now recommending this as the best diet to incorporate into our lives for optimum health and wellness.

Is it another fad diet or could it really be a basis for a healthful lifestyle?

I think the latter. Slow carbs means you’re not cutting out any of the nutritional sources that you were on low carb diets. Grains are an important and dense source of many nutrients and vitamins that are vital to our health. So does that mean you can happily chow down on that coffee shop doughnut?

Afraid not! Grains like everything else are not created equal. Refined carbs, like white bread, white flour, white rice, and sugar, all rapidly convert to glucose in the body causing an insulin spike, which as we now know has many disastrous health effects. So what grains are considered slow carb?

I’m not going to tell you go ahead and eat whole wheat or whole grain breads and pastas from the shelf of your supermarket, as not only do many of them contain ridiculous ingredients like high fructose corn syrup, but the grains used to make these breads were not sprouted so they still contain an enzyme blocker called phytic acid which as I mentioned in an earlier blog, inhibits the thyroid from converting T3 hormone to T4, a process which is vital to our good health. Perhaps this explains why so many people are hypothyroid?

What you can include in your diet though is sprouted grain breads like Ezekiel, and sourdough breads. These grains have all been sprouted there by removing the phytic acid and allowing for easier digestion and assimilation in the body. It’s becoming increasingly easy to find all kinds of sprouted grain products, from cereals to tortillas.

As for fruits, most are slow carb so knock yourself out, keep it organic of course. Watermelon is the only fruit which will cause an insulin spike so I’d definitely keep its consumption very moderate.

Lentils, beans, quinoa and couscous are all considered slow carbs so they will make for healthy additions to your diet. And in the rice department I would stick to wild rice, and although they say basmati rice is slow carb, it doesn’t really have any nutritional benefits.

I would recommend doing some research and becoming familiar with the glycemic index of various carbs (how they rate, either low, medium, or high when it comes to how fast they convert to glucose) so you can begin making healthful decisions when keeping carbs in your life.

And to finish up here’s my ELAA approved recipe for a morning breakfast burrito that beats any fast food nutrition-less nonsense!! Enjoy!!

Sprouted Grain Cheesy Breakfast Burrito

2 large organic eggs
1 Ezekiel Sprouted grain tortilla (warmed in the oven if you like)
2 tbsp of good quality organic butter
½ cup of Raw sharp cheddar (or if not raw, a good quality organic cheese will do)
¼ small onion (finely chopped)
1 slice organic turkey breast (optional)

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Using 1 tbsp of butter, scramble your eggs over medium heat on the stove until fluffy.
Spread the other tbsp of butter on the tortilla.
Place the eggs along the middle of the tortilla and place onions on top.
Sprinkle the cheese over the eggs and onions and place on a baking tray.
Put the tortilla in the oven until cheese is melted.
Remove from oven and add the slice of turkey breast if you like.
Roll up the tortilla like a burrito and fold in one end so the yumminess inside can’t fall out.
Eat and Enjoy!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Stevia: Natures Natural Sweetener

For a dessert-loving but hot-body-wanting girl, Stevia is the light at the end of the dark sugar-free tunnel! A natural herb from Paraguay, used by the Guarani Indians for centuries, its natural sweetness comes, not from carbohydrate molecules like other natural sweeteners, but rather from non-caloric molecules called Glycosides. People, who cannot tolerate sugar or other sweeteners in the diet, can use Stevia, which is why it has so much success in helping heal illnesses like Diabetes, Hypoglycemia and Candidiasis.
Available in dry leaf or concentrate form, Stevia has a wonderful ability to regulate blood sugar. Its ability to sweeten foods and beverages, without having any effect on insulin release, means we can indulge guiltlessly in things like chocolate, pies, ice-cream regularly and still fit into our LBD’s.

Not only is Stevia beneficial in our diets but surprisingly it’s also a great addition to our beauty skin care regimen. It can be applied as a facial mask by smoothing the liquid over the face for 30-60 minutes and it helps smooth the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. It can also be applied to any blemish, acne outbreak, or lip sore for rapid healing. It is very effective in helping to cure numerous skin conditions such as eczema, seborrhea, and dermatitis. Added to soap, it helps eliminate dandruff and other scalp problems as well as improving the health and luster of the hair.

Stevia can be used in your oral hygiene too! Added to toothpaste and mouthwash, it inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease.

Using Stevia in baking is really a matter of trial and error and it’s totally worth it when you figure out the proper ratios, (usually 1 cup of sugar can be replaced with 24 packets of Stevia but various conversions can be found on the internet. It really is trial and error!!) You can even get Stevia in different flavors, like French vanilla and Valencia Orange which can add versatility to the flavors of baking.

Do I need to convince you anymore to get down to the local health store and purchase some Stevia to start sweetening your life in a healthy and natural way?! Life doesn’t get any better than when you can chow down on a bowl of homemade ice-cream sweetened with Stevia (recipe below), while you slip into that figure hugging dress before a night out and still look perfectly body beautiful! Love it!

Guilt-free Vanilla Ice Cream

2 Organic Egg Yolks
2 Cups Organic Heavy Cream
1 Cup Organic Whole Milk
2 Tsp. Vanilla Extract
2 packets of French Vanilla Stevia

In a blender or food processor whip all ingredients very thoroughly then refrigerate for 1 hour. Pour the chilled mixture into an ice-cream maker and follow directions for freezing.

To make it even more delicious, you can add berries or any fruit of your choice once the ice-cream is semi-frozen, then resume the freezing process!! Heaven!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Beauty And The Budget ; Homemade Natural Face Masks

The great thing about health and beauty is that they’re so interconnected they’re almost one and the same. You can’t have one without the other. Many of the foods that promote great internal health when eaten can also be applied topically to your skin and enhance the effects your body is receiving from them not only internally but externally as well. Beauty need not be expensive spa facials, or high end store bought moisturizers and cleansers when the majority of the ingredients that makes these beauty products effective usually comes from some source of mother nature, like avocados, bananas, eggs, lemons, coconuts, and essential oils. Everything else in most store purchased beauty items is chemicals to make them smell more appealing, and keep it on the shelf longer. Now that you are no longer putting chemicals in your body, let’s try and not put them on our bodies either! Especially when the best beauty products can be bought so cheaply from the nearest supermarket!

Here are four homemade, all natural face masks designed for your different skin type that will work just as well if not better than any packaged product;

Banana and Honey Face mask for Oily Skin types

What you’ll need;
• ½ a ripe banana
• 1 tbsp honey
• A few drops of fresh lemon juice
• 1 tbsp Oatmeal (I use Scottish oats as I find their ground small enough to where it meshes better in the mask, nut any oats will do)

1. Mash the banana until creamy.
2. Add the honey, lemon and oatmeal and mix together until thick. (add more oatmeal if it’s too runny)
3. Apply to your face for 10-15 minutes.
4. Wash off with a warm washcloth.

The reason this face mask is great for oily skin is because banana helps clear your skin of grease and helps refine pores, while lemon juice is a natural exfoliator and powerful cleansing agent that cleans the skin of nasty blackheads. Honey has wonderful healing properties and oatmeal is also great for removing dirt and dead skin cells.

I have oily skin so I use this mask to help keep my skin glowing! I usually have enough for three masks so it’s best to do this on a girl’s night in and share with your friends! (if they also have oily/ acne prone skin!)

Avocado and Yogurt face Mask for Dry Skin

What you’ll need
• 1 ripe avocado
• 4 tbsp of plain yogurt

1. In a blender, mix the two ingredients together.
2. Apply to you face for 10-15 minutes.
3. Wash off with a warm wash cloth.

Avocados are rich in vitamin E which is a wonderful moisturizer for dry and aging skin. While yogurt has soothing effects, it will also hydrate and soften the dry skin.

Strawberry Butter Mask for Normal Skin

What you’ll need;
• 2 large strawberries
• 1 tbsp unsalted softened butter

1. Mash the strawberries and add the softened butter.
2. Apply to you face for 10-15 minutes.
3. Wash off with a warm wash cloth.

Butter is a great source of Vitamin A which is wonderful for sensitive, damaged or sunburned skin. Strawberries are full of alpha-hydroxy acids which clean the skin and have anti-aging effects!

And here’s one of my favorite facemasks!! This uses kitty litter (as kitty litter is actually just natural bentonite clay). This may sound a little absurd at first but I assure you it’s the same facemask you will find in all top end spas where you would have to shell out over $100 to get the same benefits.

Clay and Essential Oil Face Mask for All Skin types.
• 2 Tbsp Natural “unscented” Kitty litter
• A few drops of purified water
• A few drops of an Essential Oil (rosewood or lavender for dry skin/juniper or grapefruit for oily skin and jasmine or angelica for normal skin)

1. Mix the clay with the water until a smooth paste is formed.
2. Stir in a few drops of the essential oils.
3. Apply to face for 10-15 minutes.
4. Wash off with warm face cloth.

The clay is highly absorbant and detoxifying which helps draw out impurities from the skin. The various essential oils will enhance the effects of the mask!!

See how inexpensive it is to do a facial at home! So save that $100 you would normally spend on a trip to the spa and instead invite some friends over and have a beauty night where you can try out some of the face masks above. It’s a lot less expensive and a lot more fun, trust me!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Superfoods : Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar

Variety is the spice life they say and I believe the same can be said of food. In today’s society with our short attention spans, we constantly want to try new foods, taste new things, eat a different meal practically every day to prevent boring our palates. We are not like our ancestors who pretty much would eat the same few staple things day in, day out. We are lucky in that we do have the opportunities to taste so many different cuisines and challenge our taste buds so much more than the generations past. But having said that, I also do believe that they are a few staple things people should have in their kitchen that will not only promote good health but also will serve to help achieve and maintain the body you always dreamed of. Here are a two products I make sure are in my daily diet that have benefited me so much that I can’t believe their benefits are not more widely lauded;

1) Coconut Oil
This is one of, if not my absolute favorite thing in the whole world. The oil from the tropical coconut is so remarkable when it comes to healing properties and its promotion of general great health and beauty, that I think it’s sinful that it is not in every kitchen cupboard across the world. It’s probably due to the aversion everyone has to saturated fats and the fear that has been instilled in our society that all fats are bad and will lead to heart disease. This is no the case. In many countries like Thailand and the Phillipines where coconut oil is used in large amounts in their daily diet, they have extremely low rates of heart disease. Coconut oil has gotten a bad rap over the years but the truth is, it’s nothing short of a miracle oil. And here’s why;

• Coconut oil is one of the only sources of Lauric acid, other than mothers breast milk and has potent anti-microbial and anti-viral properties. It has been successfully used in the healing of diseases like Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure , Hypothyroid, Diabetes, HIV and Cancer.
• It contributes to weight loss because it promotes proper functioning of the thyroid which keeps the metabolism working at optimum levels and also gives a feeling of satiety which prevents overeating.
• It strengthens the immune system due to its anti-viral, anti-microbial properties.
• It is very effective against a variety of infections by killing viruses that cause influenza, measles, herpes, SARS , pneumonia, UTI’s and even candidiasis.
• It can be used topically in beauty treatments as a hair conditioner ( once a week makes hair grow longer, healthier and shinier) ,and as a body moisturizer ( leaves skin super soft and is not greasy) and also as treatment for cuts and burns.

These are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the health and beauty benefits of coconut oil. It can be added to your diet as a supplement, or you can cook with it (it has a very high smoking point as it is a very stable oil), or you can begin using it as a beauty product. I recommend buying virgin or extra virgin coconut oil, (only $8 - $10 bucks at your nearest health store), start by adding even 1tbsp a day and I promise you’ll be adding one of nature’s most amazing foods to your daily diet and it won’t be long before you start to see it’s benefits.

2) Apple Cider Vinegar
Again, another incredible gift of mother nature, that when consumed on a regular basis has amazing health and beauty properties. I’m referring to the raw apple cider vinegar that has not been processed and still contains a cloudy substance formed from the apple residue called the “mother”. It is available at all good health food stores. Like my beloved coconut oil it too helps prevent and treat bacterial and fungal infections and it was even Hippocrates, the father of all modern medicines, go-to tonic for many ailments. And here’s why;

• ACV (apple cider vinegar) retains all the nutritional goodness from the apples from which it was made, plus it is fortified with extra enzymes and acids as a result of fermentation. It is this powerful tonic that then has the ability to aid in the healing of everything from the common cold, coughs, dandruff and bites and burns, to more serious illnesses like Diabetes, high levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) and Cancer.
• ACV is an amazing weight loss tonic. I can vouch for this! I started taking ACV daily about 7 months ago and I suddenly noticed the last few pounds that had always been stuck on me dropped off. I had not known at that time that ACV had any connection to weight loss but I knew I hadn’t changed anything else about my diet or level of activity. Sure enough with a bit of research I found that ACV is known for its weight loss effects. The reasons for this are not yet totally clear but hey, if it works it works and It works!
• ACV also helps in the beauty department by flushing toxins from your body and giving you healthy glowing skin, hair and nails. It can also cure age spots, and eczema.

ACV is only $7 for a large bottle at your local health store. I buy the “Braggs” brand, and it lasts me quite a while. I take a tbsp in a little water every morning and evening and if you can’t ingest the tart taste of the vinegar, you can sweeten the tonic with a little natural sweetener like honey or Stevia.

So there you have my two of my favorite superfoods. I really can’t stress enough how beneficial they have been to me and will be to you too if you go ahead and add them to your diet. There are many recipes out there that can help you incorporate these foods too if you don't fancy taking them on their own. And don’t just take my word for it, google it, research a bit and I know you’ll be amazed to discover the extensive uses and benefits of both Coconut oil and ACV, which is probably why they have been around and used daily by people for centuries!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Understanding Metabolism: The Basics

You’ve all heard the word metabolism before right? I know I had heard it thrown around for years, before I ever really knew what the hell it was exactly. All I knew was both my sisters had “faster” metabolisms than I and so they would forever be skinny and I was always going to be that bit more pudgy around the edges. They would be able to shovel in twice as much food into their mouths as I could and not gain an ounce. Seemed like just another case of “the world’s not fair”, and so I would have to get over it. But that’s not the whole truth. The world may not seem fair in regards other things but the good news is, achieving a faster metabolism is very possible.

Firstly, what the hell is metabolism? Well, by definition it’s the set of chemical reactions that happen in living organisms to maintain life. In other words, your biochemistry. How efficiently this works varies from person to person dependent on a number of factors, including but not limited too;

Body Size ( the larger the person, the more cells to maintain)
Body composition (ratio of fat to muscle on a body)
Age (unfortunately our metabolisms inevitably slow down with age)
Diet (what you put in your mouth effects metabolism)
Hormones (play a key role in the effective workings of your metabolism)
Psychological state (stress and anxiety can upset metabolism)
Drugs (many pharmaceuticals can influence the metabolic rate)

So what are some things we can change in order to affect our metabolism and get in kicking and working in tip top shape? Well, we can’t rightly change body size, no matter how much you’d like to be a few inches taller it’s not going to happen, so just stick to the jimmy Choos for that! Age, is not something we can change either unfortunately because as much as we’d love to stay forever 21, it ain’t going to happen in this lifetime anyway. But we do have control over our diet, and body composition, our psychological state and the drugs we take, all which affect the hormones that rev our metabolism and can keep it at a fat-burning pace (which is where we want it)!

I don’t want to get all scientific on you here but a healthy diet, regular exercise, and de-stressing all have positive influence on little hormones like Insulin, Leptin, Cortisol and Ghrelin, to name a few, which ultimately decide whether you will continue stacking the weight on or whether you will burn it all off.

The problem with our society today is that these little hormones are all out of whack in our bodies, (too much of one and not enough of another). For example, too much insulin circulating in the body all the time can lead to Diabetes. But what causes the excess insulin? Blood sugar spikes from the foods we consume. Eating too many refined high carb foods like doughnuts, and French fries and bread.

All that refined, processed anti-food garbage we shovel into our mouths day after day, and not to mention all the toxins and pollutants in our air and our products at home have thrown our chemical balance all off. But it is not too late to fix it.

• Constant yo-yo dieting is not the way to fix a metabolism, in fact it severely disrupts it and causes a lot of damage. But adopting a healthy diet for life, free of refined foods like white sugar, white flour, trans- fats, hydrogenated anything, foods with ingredients you can’t pronounce, but full of wholesome real foods like fruits and vegetable and organic meat and dairy, can all aid in restoring the balance of your metabolism.

Exercising is another great way to restore the metabolism to proper working order. It affects the amount of lean muscle to fat ratio in your body, and muscle burns fat by increasing your metabolic rate. Exercise not only stimulates your muscles during a workout but for hours afterwards.

De-stressing is easier said than done I know, but stress really is I believe the number one silent killer. Make sure you take time to relax every day. Adopt a form of meditation, even if it’s just some occasional deep breathing throughout the day, or join a Yoga class, get eight hours good quality sleep a night and don’t work ridiculously long hours a week.

It seems like simple advice but you must follow it if you want to balance out the destructive behavior that has caused your metabolism to slow down. Remember all those little hormones are there for you, waiting for you to help them out and give them what they need to work properly and build up and break down the energy stores and body tissues like they’re supposed to in order to keep your body healthy. Help them out! Feed your body nutritious foods, get out there for a brisk walk, take a long relaxing bath and you’ll see your body returning the favor both physically and mentally!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Getting into Fitness : For the Gym Fan

Starting a fitness routine is definitely one of the most important steps you can take to improve your overall health and achieve that beautiful fit body you desire. But the road to both of these is different for everyone, as we are all programmed in a unique way and what works for you may not work for another. So while dedicating yourself to getting a good workout in at the gym may be the most convenient way for you to begin adding exercise into your life, another person may prefer to find a Yoga Studio, or perhaps buy a bike and take to cycling, or hiking or any other one of the numerous outdoorsy activities. The point is to find out what works for you. If, like me, you like the convenience of a gym, all the tools you need in one place, then there are some things to consider before you spend some of your hard earned money on a monthly membership.

1. Location
When scouting out your soon-to-be fitness home, one of the most important things to take in to consideration is location. Unless you’re lucky enough to have a fitness center or small gym in your apartment building or home chances are you will have to either walk or drive to get there. The most important thing is that is should be close. Don’t get a membership to a gym that’s 20 minutes away or all the way across town, because it will just allow for excuses not to go (the traffic is to bad right now, I’ll be late for work etc. ) Choose a gym that’s convenient and close. No more than a 5 minute drive or you may find your paying monthly fees for something you never have the time to use.

2. Cost
Unless you’re living in the middle of the country, in any given town or city there are usually a plethora of different gyms in a short distance of each other, all with a different price range. Monthly membership fees can be anything from $20 a month to $120. Know what your budget is and work around it. You don’t need to be a member of the more expensive gym to get a better workout. The equipment will all pretty much be the same! You may have more classes offered at the more expensive gyms but you must decide if that is worth paying a little more for as perhaps you will be more motivated to workout if it’s an aerobics class you like, rather than working out alone. There are numerous franchised gyms like Curves, 24 Hr Fitness, Crunch etc. that each offer something different and make sure you take a trip to visit all of them before deciding upon what’s best for you as remember, you want your fitness time to be something you look forward too doing.

3. Classes
Most gyms offer free classes along with their memberships these days and these can be a great and fun way to workout. There are so many different kinds like Yoga, Pilates, Ab sculpting, kick-boxing, even dance classes, it’s impossible to get bored and there is something to fit everyone’s taste. If you like to have someone motivating you, classes are the next best thing to having a personal trainer.

4. Personal trainer
Deciding upon whether or not to shell out some extra cash to have a professional help you workout properly and show you the most effective ways to use the various gym equipment is really down to two things, a) can you afford it? And b) is it the best workout approach for you to have someone constantly pushing you to work harder? If you know you tend to go easy on yourself when you work out alone and slack off a little, if you have some extra cash, then maybe investing in a personal trainer is the way to go. Again, just as not all gyms are created equal, neither are personal trainers, and you will pay more for better, more qualified trainers. You should find someone you have a good chemistry with too, and I have always found a good rule of thumb to be to pick a personal trainer whose physique you most admire and would want for yourself. Don’t pick the buffed up body builder if what you want for yourself is a leaner Victoria’s Secret Model look. You get what I mean!

5. Gym attire
Invest in some good workout shoes and two or three nice proper workout outfits. Don’t go the gym looking sloppy and in oversized clothes!! I see this all the time but the truth is you’re more likely to be motivated to workout if you look in the mirror and see yourself in a shapely workout outfit that makes you look good. As vain as it sounds, it actually does help. Having some cute outfits just for your gym time is good motivation to get out there and do it. I always do more lunges and squats in my flattering butt lifting gym pants then I do when I wear oversized sweats. It’s a mental thing, but hey it works! If I like what I see in the mirror I’m more motivated to work a little harder. I was a huge Bebe Sport fan but since they change to PH8 I’m not into their looks as much as before, plus it’s expensive! But you can find really cute cheap workout gear at Forever 21 and Target! And if you want to splash a little, Victoria’s Secret has a great new line!!

6. Gym Bag
Always go to the gym prepared for your workout with your stainless steel water bottle, to make sure you are constantly hydrated during your workout. If the Gym doesn’t provide little towels you may want to bring a small one in your bag for when you are sweating, glowing like a pig!You may want your Ipod with you if music gets you motivated while working out, and make sure you have a healthy snack for post-workout consumption. You are going to want to replenish the muscles you just worked and restore the glycogen pretty quickly (usually within 30-60 minutes of finishing your workout), so having a protein bar or protein shake right after you workout is the key. BUT you don’t want just any kind of protein bar or shake as many commercial ones are filled with additives and artificial sweeteners. Here at ELAA we make our own, or at least if we do consume store bought products, we choose all natural ingredients. See below for my post-workout Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie that you can carry with you in another stainless steel flask or if the gym is close to where you live, make and drink when you get home.

Good luck on your Gym journey and we’ll be back with more later from ELAA. Here’s to fun fitness!

ELAA's Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

Half a large ripe banana (the riper the better, it gives more flavor)
2tbsp natural peanut butter (creamy or crunchy)
1 cup Almond Milk (or Organic Whole milk)
1 packet French Vanilla Stevia
A couple of cubes of ice

PUT all the ingredients in a blender.
BLEND on high for 30 seconds.
POUR into glass or flask.
DRINK right after your workout, or whenever you feel like a yummy healthy peanut butter banana shake !

**TIP: Put the shake in the freezer for a few minutes before drinking, and it will really thicken up and be that much more yummy !

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Getting into Fitness

Did you know a lean healthy body is shaped 10% by Genetics, 10% by exercise and 80% by nutrition? Yes, 80% of effort on your part, to achieve a lean, beautiful physique should come from what you choose to put in your mouth. Many people are under the misconception that a beautiful body is achieved in the gym, or sweating it out during hours of torturous exercise, when in fact, exercise only counts for a mere 10% of your well being.

Now does that mean you can neglect the exercise 10% and focus only on putting the right foods in your body?

Although proper diet alone can alter your state of health and your physical body shape drastically, adding in that exercise routine is only going to enhance everything you're already doing and take your body beautiful journey to new heights. But the good news is, as long as you’ve started eating cleaner more nutritious foods, all you need is moderate exercise and strength training to see results. No more body boot camps, or next day immobilization for people on the ELAA plan, (unless of course you’re a sadist or something and derive pleasure from pain, in which case go right ahead)!

The problem with most people is the initial phase of getting into a fitness routine can be daunting and difficult and they’re never quite sure where to start. But the key is to start small and build from there. Unless you’re still in school and have regular periods of physical activity through sport and recreation, chances are you’ve long since left your gym shoes behind and have taken to the more sedentary lifestyle that can be synonymous with adult life! Well as you no longer have a gym teacher yelling at you to get up off your lazy tush and do five laps of the field; motivation is going to have to come from you and you alone.

What’s my motivation? I’ve long dreamed about having a super fit body like that of a Baywatch babe. I remember watching that show when I was little and envying their bodies so much and how even when they ran, there were no jiggles!! Then of course along came the Britney “Slave for you” body, which started me on a crunching craze. Whenever I saw a picture of her amazing abs, I was to be found in my bedroom doing impromptu workouts. But it usually only lasted for a few days, until I saw another image of a beautiful body I envied.

But you don’t have to want a perfect body, or six pack abs, or a Sofia Vergara booty in order to find motivation to workout. Everyone is different and their motivations, personal. Perhaps you just want to be fitter, able to run more than a few minutes without collapsing, or you want to just tone up around the edges and have a flatter tummy, whatever it is, no matter how big or small, it is totally achievable.

And the key is just to start today. Whether you just begin a daily walk, or you go out and purchase a gym membership, or you invest in a home workout kit, the point is to start. And don’t pressure yourself, take it easy. It’s a building process. It takes 21 days for something to become a habit, so allow those three weeks to get into a routine. Start with some cardio, an easy walk, a light jog, a morning run, depending where your fitness is at, and go from there. Later on down the line you can start adding some strength training if you like, but the point is for it to be enjoyable and stress free.

I’m sure by now you’ve heard exercise raises serotonin levels in the body which is why you always feel better after exercise and it’s true, you do! I don’t know anyone who has ever come out of an exercise session saying “man I really regret that workout I just did “. Because though you may not always go in to every workout with a hop, a skip and a jump, sometimes you may have to drag your butt to get going, but the good news is, you will always, always feel better coming out of it, and proud of yourself too!

So go ahead and add some exercise to your life. You already know it’s good for your heart, your overall health and well being, but honestly the real bonus is when you no longer cringe every time you strip down in front of a mirror, because seeing your beautiful, well toned, healthy body reflected back at you is the greatest reward one could ask for!