Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Getting into Fitness : For the Gym Fan

Starting a fitness routine is definitely one of the most important steps you can take to improve your overall health and achieve that beautiful fit body you desire. But the road to both of these is different for everyone, as we are all programmed in a unique way and what works for you may not work for another. So while dedicating yourself to getting a good workout in at the gym may be the most convenient way for you to begin adding exercise into your life, another person may prefer to find a Yoga Studio, or perhaps buy a bike and take to cycling, or hiking or any other one of the numerous outdoorsy activities. The point is to find out what works for you. If, like me, you like the convenience of a gym, all the tools you need in one place, then there are some things to consider before you spend some of your hard earned money on a monthly membership.

1. Location
When scouting out your soon-to-be fitness home, one of the most important things to take in to consideration is location. Unless you’re lucky enough to have a fitness center or small gym in your apartment building or home chances are you will have to either walk or drive to get there. The most important thing is that is should be close. Don’t get a membership to a gym that’s 20 minutes away or all the way across town, because it will just allow for excuses not to go (the traffic is to bad right now, I’ll be late for work etc. ) Choose a gym that’s convenient and close. No more than a 5 minute drive or you may find your paying monthly fees for something you never have the time to use.

2. Cost
Unless you’re living in the middle of the country, in any given town or city there are usually a plethora of different gyms in a short distance of each other, all with a different price range. Monthly membership fees can be anything from $20 a month to $120. Know what your budget is and work around it. You don’t need to be a member of the more expensive gym to get a better workout. The equipment will all pretty much be the same! You may have more classes offered at the more expensive gyms but you must decide if that is worth paying a little more for as perhaps you will be more motivated to workout if it’s an aerobics class you like, rather than working out alone. There are numerous franchised gyms like Curves, 24 Hr Fitness, Crunch etc. that each offer something different and make sure you take a trip to visit all of them before deciding upon what’s best for you as remember, you want your fitness time to be something you look forward too doing.

3. Classes
Most gyms offer free classes along with their memberships these days and these can be a great and fun way to workout. There are so many different kinds like Yoga, Pilates, Ab sculpting, kick-boxing, even dance classes, it’s impossible to get bored and there is something to fit everyone’s taste. If you like to have someone motivating you, classes are the next best thing to having a personal trainer.

4. Personal trainer
Deciding upon whether or not to shell out some extra cash to have a professional help you workout properly and show you the most effective ways to use the various gym equipment is really down to two things, a) can you afford it? And b) is it the best workout approach for you to have someone constantly pushing you to work harder? If you know you tend to go easy on yourself when you work out alone and slack off a little, if you have some extra cash, then maybe investing in a personal trainer is the way to go. Again, just as not all gyms are created equal, neither are personal trainers, and you will pay more for better, more qualified trainers. You should find someone you have a good chemistry with too, and I have always found a good rule of thumb to be to pick a personal trainer whose physique you most admire and would want for yourself. Don’t pick the buffed up body builder if what you want for yourself is a leaner Victoria’s Secret Model look. You get what I mean!

5. Gym attire
Invest in some good workout shoes and two or three nice proper workout outfits. Don’t go the gym looking sloppy and in oversized clothes!! I see this all the time but the truth is you’re more likely to be motivated to workout if you look in the mirror and see yourself in a shapely workout outfit that makes you look good. As vain as it sounds, it actually does help. Having some cute outfits just for your gym time is good motivation to get out there and do it. I always do more lunges and squats in my flattering butt lifting gym pants then I do when I wear oversized sweats. It’s a mental thing, but hey it works! If I like what I see in the mirror I’m more motivated to work a little harder. I was a huge Bebe Sport fan but since they change to PH8 I’m not into their looks as much as before, plus it’s expensive! But you can find really cute cheap workout gear at Forever 21 and Target! And if you want to splash a little, Victoria’s Secret has a great new line!!

6. Gym Bag
Always go to the gym prepared for your workout with your stainless steel water bottle, to make sure you are constantly hydrated during your workout. If the Gym doesn’t provide little towels you may want to bring a small one in your bag for when you are sweating, glowing like a pig!You may want your Ipod with you if music gets you motivated while working out, and make sure you have a healthy snack for post-workout consumption. You are going to want to replenish the muscles you just worked and restore the glycogen pretty quickly (usually within 30-60 minutes of finishing your workout), so having a protein bar or protein shake right after you workout is the key. BUT you don’t want just any kind of protein bar or shake as many commercial ones are filled with additives and artificial sweeteners. Here at ELAA we make our own, or at least if we do consume store bought products, we choose all natural ingredients. See below for my post-workout Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie that you can carry with you in another stainless steel flask or if the gym is close to where you live, make and drink when you get home.

Good luck on your Gym journey and we’ll be back with more later from ELAA. Here’s to fun fitness!

ELAA's Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

Half a large ripe banana (the riper the better, it gives more flavor)
2tbsp natural peanut butter (creamy or crunchy)
1 cup Almond Milk (or Organic Whole milk)
1 packet French Vanilla Stevia
A couple of cubes of ice

PUT all the ingredients in a blender.
BLEND on high for 30 seconds.
POUR into glass or flask.
DRINK right after your workout, or whenever you feel like a yummy healthy peanut butter banana shake !

**TIP: Put the shake in the freezer for a few minutes before drinking, and it will really thicken up and be that much more yummy !

1 comment:

  1. Those are the variables that what makes gym fun and engaging. I like the clothes and getup. I enjoy interactions with gym mates. I also enjoy the feeling after.
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