Thursday, June 3, 2010

Stevia: Natures Natural Sweetener

For a dessert-loving but hot-body-wanting girl, Stevia is the light at the end of the dark sugar-free tunnel! A natural herb from Paraguay, used by the Guarani Indians for centuries, its natural sweetness comes, not from carbohydrate molecules like other natural sweeteners, but rather from non-caloric molecules called Glycosides. People, who cannot tolerate sugar or other sweeteners in the diet, can use Stevia, which is why it has so much success in helping heal illnesses like Diabetes, Hypoglycemia and Candidiasis.
Available in dry leaf or concentrate form, Stevia has a wonderful ability to regulate blood sugar. Its ability to sweeten foods and beverages, without having any effect on insulin release, means we can indulge guiltlessly in things like chocolate, pies, ice-cream regularly and still fit into our LBD’s.

Not only is Stevia beneficial in our diets but surprisingly it’s also a great addition to our beauty skin care regimen. It can be applied as a facial mask by smoothing the liquid over the face for 30-60 minutes and it helps smooth the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. It can also be applied to any blemish, acne outbreak, or lip sore for rapid healing. It is very effective in helping to cure numerous skin conditions such as eczema, seborrhea, and dermatitis. Added to soap, it helps eliminate dandruff and other scalp problems as well as improving the health and luster of the hair.

Stevia can be used in your oral hygiene too! Added to toothpaste and mouthwash, it inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease.

Using Stevia in baking is really a matter of trial and error and it’s totally worth it when you figure out the proper ratios, (usually 1 cup of sugar can be replaced with 24 packets of Stevia but various conversions can be found on the internet. It really is trial and error!!) You can even get Stevia in different flavors, like French vanilla and Valencia Orange which can add versatility to the flavors of baking.

Do I need to convince you anymore to get down to the local health store and purchase some Stevia to start sweetening your life in a healthy and natural way?! Life doesn’t get any better than when you can chow down on a bowl of homemade ice-cream sweetened with Stevia (recipe below), while you slip into that figure hugging dress before a night out and still look perfectly body beautiful! Love it!

Guilt-free Vanilla Ice Cream

2 Organic Egg Yolks
2 Cups Organic Heavy Cream
1 Cup Organic Whole Milk
2 Tsp. Vanilla Extract
2 packets of French Vanilla Stevia

In a blender or food processor whip all ingredients very thoroughly then refrigerate for 1 hour. Pour the chilled mixture into an ice-cream maker and follow directions for freezing.

To make it even more delicious, you can add berries or any fruit of your choice once the ice-cream is semi-frozen, then resume the freezing process!! Heaven!

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