Friday, June 25, 2010

Sprouted Grains : The Benefits

Ezekiel 4:9-17: “Take thou also unto thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and fitches, and put them in one vessel, and make thee bread thereof.

The above being a direct quote from the Bible and one of the first recipes of sprouted bread. If it’s good enough for God, hell it’s good enough for me! Sprouted grain breads and other products are only recently starting to make an appearance on our supermarket shelves despite their existence for generations. Sprouting grains is the simple process of soaking grains and allowing them to germinate, which not only neutralizes phytic acid (the annoying enzyme blocker which binds minerals, making it hard for us to absorb them), but it also increases vitamin content and digestibility. Our ancestors for centuries before us all practiced the art of soaking and sprouting their grains before making them into breads and other bread products.

Here are just a few benefits of sprouted grain products;

• Sprouted Grains contain almost all 9 essential amino acids, making them a great source of protein, especially for Vegetarians and Vegans.
• Sprouted Grains are a great source of Vitamins A, B and C.
• Grains double in bulk when sprouted making the food stretch further, which is great for those on a budget.
• Sprouted grains neutralize phytic acid which binds minerals and makes it hard for our bodies to absorb the nutrients.
• Grains are pre-digested during the soaking process, making it easier for us to digest.
• Sprouted grains have a lower Glycemic index rating than other breads, making them a good choice for people who which to keep blood sugar stable.

These are just a few examples of the benefits of sprouted grain products over traditional whole wheat and white refined breads and bread products. Ezekiel is a great brand that makes delicious sprouted grain breads, muffins and tortillas and can be purchased at most health food stores. Manna is also another bread product( just like what God sent to his people in the Bible when they were starving in the desert), though it’s taste may not appeal to everyone.

If you have the time and would like to go about sprouting your grains at home by all means go ahead. It takes little effort and is relatively easy.

1. Soak your choice of grains/legumes/seeds overnight in a bowl of water making sure the water level is quite a bit above the grains or whatever you’re sprouting, as they will absorb the water quite a bit. Usually twice as much water as chosen item to be sprouted is ideal.
2. In the morning pour everything into a kitchen strainer and rinse them with clean water really well. Sometimes the grains may have a sticky mucus type of coating that you will want to make sure is completely gone as it could inhibit the sprouting process.
3. Place the strainer over a large bowl (to catch the drips) and cover with a dry clean kitchen towel and set it off to the side somewhere on the kitchen counter.
4. Keep on eye on your sprouting foods over the course of time you have allotted to it ( usually 8-12 hours or up to 3-4 days) and make sure they are never dry. You want to keep them constantly moist. If they are any bit dry give them another quick rinse.
5. Your sprouts will be ready when you notice they have little tails a few millimeters long.

You can then use theses sprouts in various ways. Grains can be blended into a batter or dough for making bread. Chickpeas can be used to make raw hummus or if you own a dehydrator you could make falafels!! Yum! Sprouted seeds can be used wherever you like , on salads, in shakes on top of oatmeal!! The choice is yours!!

So go ahead and add some sprouted foods to your life and let your body reap the benefits! :)

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