Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Snack Time

I love to snack. i really cant go through the day without snacking at least once between my main meals, and i'm not alone o this trend. It safe to say snacking is an integral part of most peoples diet. I find the need to snack on something, stems more from boredom than from hunger. Something to do when life is slipping into monotony. Now that's not to say snacking is bad for you, on the contrary i think when the right foods are chosen, it is a great way to sustain your energy throughout the day and keep your metabolism fired up and revving along. When snacking is detrimental to your diet is when a coffee and doughnut, or a bag of chips, or candy is the go to snack of choice. Then we have problems!! You'll be on that insulin roller-coaster again of energy highs and slumps that you just cant seem to get off.

So what does make for some yummy acceptable snacks you ask, that are not going to add unwanted lumps and bumps to your butt and thighs?

Well here are just a few of my personal favorites and just remember i still recommend always teaming a protein with a carb even when it comes to snacks;

  • Apples and peanut butter
  • Raw Almonds and a slice of cheese 
  • Pineapple and Cheese cubes
  • Greek Yogurt mixed with nuts and berries
  • Banana and peanut butter smoothie (any fruit smoothie really , homemade of course from natural ingredients)
  • Hummus and Vegetable crudites
  • Frozen grapes and cheese
  • Smoked salmon and cream cheese
  • Boiled eggs seasoned with some Mrs. Dash on rice cakes
  • Guacamole and flax crackers
  • Small sprouted grain tortilla grilled cheese

These are just examples of some healthy options to chow down on when boredom or just as sustainment until your next meal!! There are some many more options out there that are far healthier than a 100 calorie bag of chips ahoy or  sugar laden granola bars and all that other garbage that pretends to be healthy snacks food. So always have some healthy yummy foods on hand and then snack your way to body beautiful :)

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